Sunday, March 30, 2014


Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s struggled for uplifment of Indian women and their right to equality
Jai Bheem to all!
      Bharat Ratna Dr.B.R.Ambedkar ji was the greatest champion of women’s right to equality, the women’s right to dignified life and status in the society. He wanted to reform Hindu society in such a way that the women gets her due place in the society and her right to equality and freedom is perfectly protected under the Law of the Land.
            Under Manusmruti (Symbol of inequality and injustice), the code of Manu, which has always been treated by Hindu sages and commentators from the earliest times, as of paramount authority and under various other Hindu scriptures, women had no right o knowledge and property. She had no right to study Vedas. She had no knowledge of religion because she had no right to know vedas. She was completely deprived the rights of self-development. Without knowledge she was help less . She had no independent economic status. Whatever she earned belong to her husband. Economic dependence debarred her to perform any religious rites, as she had no right to owe wealth. Manu smruti treated women even less than any animal.
            As the Sudras and the anti-sudras were deprived of all avenues of there self-development and were made slaves of the Hindu social orders of this country. Similarly the women of this country were also neglected, deprived and were treated like slaves in the system. All the sudras, anti-sudras and Hindu women were at par at the socio-religious standing under the code of Manu. After Buddha and Jyothiba phule- savitri bai, it was Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar, maseeha of the  millions and billions of the oppressed and exploited people of this land, who took up the case of women’s liberation from the age old, heinous, torturous and discriminatory social system of the Hindu scriptures, Including Manu smriti, Dr.Ambedkar through his Hindu code bill took up and initiative for liberation of Hindu women for the cultures of unjust, biased and discriminatory laws of Hindu society. For that purpose he worked hard and prepared a draft for Hindu code bill. His focus of attention of this bill was his pragmatic approach to reorganize and restructure and reform the patriarchal family for repairing the dilapidated, Indian society namely women. Basically, the main objective of the Hindu code bill was not only to codify the rules of Hindu laws, created, prescribed, contained and recognized by nearly 137 smritis, but to liberate the Hindu women from the slavery of custom, traditions, rituals and raise the status of Hindu women In the society equal to that of men. Dr.Ambedkar wanted to uplift the status of women through comprehensive Hindu code bill. This was the pioneer work to improve the status of women by granting fundamental rights to all the citizens irrespective of caste, creed, race and sex.
                 The bill would have totally and successfully revolutionized the life of Hindu women but for the protagonists of orthodox Hindu social order of manu, opposed the bill and they said Hindu code bill could shutter the magnificent of Hindu culture of stultify a dynamic and catholic way of life that had wonderfully adopted to changes for centuries. Another stenches orthodox supporter of discriminatory Hindu social order had also opposed the bill saying that “the very fiber of the Hindu society could be weakened”. Many other organizations of Hindu women also opposed the bill without knowing the contents of the bill. Though Hindu code bill could not be passed as a whole the same was split and later on passed in four different Acts. Dr. Ambedkar as an architect of Indian constitution through article 14, 15,16,39 & 325, all together, have given Indian women all opportunities of equality before law, equal protection of all equal protection, equal opportunities in the matter of employment and there shall be no discrimination on the grounds of sex. Thus, restrictions imposed upon their freedom by Manusmriti and other Hindu religious scriptures, were totally removed, shackles of bondage of rituals, slavery of customs and tradition were totally blown up into pieces through the Indian constitution. Now, Indian women can join police, administration, army, navy and air force, ETC. thus women could join any service of the state and central government to contribute her share of national development. There is no bar on her entry into politics, social service, arts, culture, diplomacy. She has proved her capability an talents during the Last 64 years .i.e. after the passing of constitution of India on 26th January 1950. As such this credit goes to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s contribution for upliftment and liberation of Indian women.

Saturday, March 22, 2014



Shri G. Muralidhar Rao, President and Shri Jaipal Singh Dhiload, Working President are inspecting the programme events on this occasion.

Shri R.D.Jeevan, International athlete,(Medallist) India Masters Athletics Association of Andhra Pradesh felicitated by this society and he is speaking on this occasion

Monday, March 17, 2014



Distinguished Gusts, Office Bearers and Members,
Jai Bheem!
            It gives me a great pleasure in welcoming you all to the State Level Convention on SC/ST Problems followed by General Body Meeting and Election of Central Office bearers and Managing Committee Members of our Society.  At the outset, as President of All India SC/ST Rights Protection Society, I welcome our Chief Guest and Guests of Honor for having accepted our invitation to attend our Convention and address our Members.
            You are aware that, ours is a Society the Listens, Cares and Delivers.  It is unique Society not only in the State of Andhra Pradesh but also in the Country.  It is working for the cause of not only Scheduled Cates and Scheduled Tribes but also other weaker sections in the Society.  It is a National level non-political social organization striving its best to ameliorate the conditions of SCs and STs for the past more than four (4) decades.  I am fortunate to associate with this Society in the capacity as President for the past more than one decade.
            As regards, the activities and financial affairs of our Society, our Secretary General Shri M.Janaiah and Secretary Finance Shri A.Shivraj are eagerly looking forward to present their reports before the Members for their approval after having discussions, if any.  As President of the Society, I would like to place my views that are of advisory nature before the Members and welcome the comments, if any on the same.
            My advice to the Members who are staunch Ambedkarities, they should prepare themselves to sacrifice certain comforts that are being enjoyed by them in order to contribute at least 1% of their income and devote their precious time to the Society that is really working on the lines of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.
            Please remember that our beloved savior Dr.Ambedkar sqaid that he lost faith in the educated men of the Community and pinned his faith on the illiterate, therefore, keeping this in view, we educated have to be very sincere and honest in carrying out the work entrusted to us by the Society and get the good name.  He also said that do not be in a hurry to marry, as the marriage is a liability.  One should not impose it upon their children unless they are financially able to meet the liabilities arising from marriage.  Those who will marry will have to keep in mind that to have too many children is a Crime.  The paternal duty lies in giving each child a better start than it parents had. It is a fact that man must eat to live and should live and work for the well being of Society.  Ambedkar said that Education was a sword and being a double-edged weapon was dangerous to wield. Am educated man without character and humility was more dangerous than beast.  If his education was detrimental to the welfare of the poor he remarked, the educated man was a curse to Society.  Fie upon such an educated MAN character is more important he emphasized than education.
            Dear Members, kindly go through the NOTE attached to my Report listing out the issues that are to be taken up by the Society in the near further, in order to get certain benefits to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections in the Country, hence I request all of you to come forward to join the silent agitation to be announced.  Please remember, no political party in the present juncture is ready to extend their helping hand to us in getting the above issues granted by the Govts., therefore, there is every need to stand our own and fight.  You know, it is everybody’s bounden duty to extend their helping hand by sparing their precious time and money otherwise, it is highly impossible for the Society to fight out along without your support, therefore, it is my earnest appeal to you to be very vigilant and help us to try our level best to protect our reservations as enshrined in the Constitution of India and join us to fight for genuine demands.
            It is a fact that, for the past more than 60 years, we have been enjoying the fruits of reservations, without putting any effort and further we don’t try ourselves all these years either for improvement in the existing facilities or tried to add some extra facilities, only because we have become very lethargic and not taking any interest.  If this perpetuate in future, a day will come where Manuwadis put an end to these reservations.  For our own interest, I believe that all my members will heed to my advice and accordingly support the Society to go ahead with the action plan as and when decided.
            My thanks to the Members those who are extending their helping hand all these years and supporting the Society for doing its best to do some good in the interest of its Members and other needy.
            My special thanks to S/Shri M.Upender, R.B.Devanand, Murthy, M.Janaiah, Jaipal Singh, D.Nagaiah, M.R.Rajender Kumar, Md.Yousuf, R.SArinivas Rao, D.Vasakudeva Reddy, M.Ravi Kanth, M.Devanand, Smt.A.Sulochana Devi, J.Sukrender, M.Nagesh, A.Shivraj and Members of Adilabad District Branct specially Smt.T.Susheela, Linagala Rajasammaiah, K.Vithobaq and M.Rajaram for having shared the burden of the Convention and paved the way for bringing the Souvenir in a desired way on time.
While concluding my address, I request all my Members to conduct the proceedings of today’s Meet in a peaceful way.
Yours in Dr.Ambedkar Mission
G.Muralihar Rao, President.


(A Society that Listens, Cares and Delivers)
Area of operation: ‘WHOLE OF INDIA’

a)      To organize and unite the employees belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under a common bond of fellowship and foster among them a spirit of cooperation;

b)      To constitute a liaison between the employees and the authorities (wherever SC/ST employees are there) and to strive for cordial relations between the two;

c)      To watch, promote, safeguard and further the interests, rights and privileges of SC/St Employees in all matters relating to their employment and service conditions;

d)      To represent legitimate grievances of SC/ST Employees to the Administration/management of various Officers, Government or any other authority concerned;

e)      To endeavor to secure compensation for Members in case of accidents, injuries or death sustained while on duty or acting in the interest of employees;

f)       To secure rights and privileges and enshrined in the Constitution of India;

g)      To abolish economic disparities etc. on Caste, Creed, Community, race or religion;

h)      To raise funds for the Society;

i)        To cooperate, federate or affiliate itself with or give affiliation to other Associations with similar aims and objects;

j)        To initiate, support and carryout measures calculated to enhance the material, financial and other interests of the employees of SCs/STs by all legal and Constitutional means;

k)      To arrange for lectures and debates/meetings on the subjects which members are interested in and to propagate the ideology of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar;
l)        To upkeep of a periodical published mainly for the purpose of discussing questions affecting SCs and STs;

m)   To acquire, hire, purchase, sell, lease whole or part of any buildings, for the furtherance of the objects of the society;

n)      To found, if possible for the benefit of the Members, Clubs and to organize various facilities for sports and recreation, entertainment etc.;

o)      To encourage thrift and cooperation and to promote Cooperative Societies for the benefit of Members;

p)      To raise and acquire such money or moneys by subscription, donations or loans, from Members or other persons, as may be determined necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Society;

q)      To organize and unite all employees belonging to SC/ST and other Weaker Sections and to regulate their relationship with the employers;

r)       To take such other steps as may be necessary to ameliorate the physical, social, economic and civic conditions of the Members;

s)       To take measures for the general welfare of the SCs/STs;

t)       To prevent all exploitations of SCs/STs’

u)      To Strive to bring all the non-political SC/ST Organizations serving for the upliftment of SCs/STs under one banner;

v)      To strive hard to eradicate untouchability;

w)    To Establish the Branches of this Society in various parts of the Country;

x)      To encourage inter-caste marriages and community dinners;

y)      To translate all the writings of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in Regional Languages and publish periodicals;

z)       And in general to do all such other acts, incidentals or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them, plus to work for eradication of social evils, unhealthy practices and customs based on superstitious beliefs.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The State Level Convention on SC/.ST Problems was held at VET'S GARDEN,opp. Mahaveer Hospital, Shantinagar, Hyd. on 12th Jan 2014.

The State Level Convention on SC/.ST Problems was held at VET'S GARDEN,opp. Mahaveer Hospital, Shantinagar, Hyd. on 12th Jan 2014. The State Level Convention on SC/ST problems followed by General Body Meeting and Election of Central Office Bearers and Managing Committee Members of Society. The following dignitaries were attended this convention and made it grand success. Shri Adv. RAM KHOBRAGADE, Social activitist(Maharastra), as Chief Guest and Guest Of Honours Shri R.B.DEVANAND, Joint Director(Industries), Adv. E.VINOD, Adv.P.PVINOD KUMAR, Shri A.SATYANARANYANA(Corporator). Shri G.Muralidhar Rao, President, All India SC/ST Rights Protection Society was presided the meeting. The photographs of the programme as published here under:-